Regional initiatives

$6.1B Spent
$7.1B Committed
5,119 Projects
85% Status

The Regional Initiatives recipient category captures both funding allocated to regional organisations and projects implemented across multiple countries. Between 2008 and 2022, annual Official Development Finance (ODF) disbursements to regional projects — including grants, loans, and other forms of assistance — averaged $393 million. Funds earmarked as regionally focused constituted the second-largest recipient in the Pacific Aid Map, accounting for 12% of incoming ODF.

Official development finance to Regional initiatives, by flow type Constant 2022 US$
  • Grant
  • Loan

Australia is the largest provider of development funds to regional initiatives, accounting for 39% of development inflows. The next-largest providers are New Zealand (16%), EU Institutions (11%), Japan (7%), and France (5%).

Official development finance to Regional initiatives, by partner Spent, share of total ODF
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • EU Institutions
  • Japan
  • France
  • 59 other partners

The Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP) brings together several regional inter-governmental agencies. Collectively, CROP agencies capture around a fifth of regionally earmarked ODF inflows. The Pacific Community (SPC) is the principal scientific and technical organisation in the Pacific region and the major CROP recipient in the Pacific. Almost all (99%) ODF support to the SPC comes from four donors, led by Australia, the European Union, New Zealand, and the Global Fund.

ODF disbursements to Regional initiatives and Pacific organisations are distinct from regional trends. For instance, agriculture, forestry and fishing, and water management see a greater focus when compared with Pacific averages. Regional projects are also predominantly focused on human development over infrastructure.

Official development finance to Regional initiatives, by sector % of total ODF spent, constant 2022 US$
010203040Agriculture,Forestry & Fishing 11.7% 4.1%Communications 0.6% 2.1%Education 10.8% 9.4%Energy 2.1% 5.1%Government &Civil Society 32.3% 37.0%Health 13.3% 7.8%Humanitarian Aid 3.8% 3.6%Industry, Mining& Construction 5.1% 2.8%Multisector‌/‌Cross-cutting 9.4% 10.5%Other‌/‌Unspecified 7.8% 1.7%Transport & Storage 1.2% 12.1%Water & Sanitation 2.1% 3.8%
  • Regional initiatives
  • Pacific average
Official development finance to Regional initiatives, by policy goal Spent, share of total ODF
Climate SignificantClimate PrincipalGender SignificantGender Principal010203014%12%14%7%29%28%6%3%
  • Region
  • Pacific average

This project was produced by the Indo-Pacific Development Centre at the Lowy Institute, with funding support from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.